Friday, June 17, 2011


17 days down, 73 to go.

Let me start out by saying that I hate ‘HATE’ potluck days at work.  Do you realize how hard it is to eat a reasonably healthy meal when no one brings anything health to eat (besides me, I brought a fruit plate.  Yes, I have become ‘that guy’). 

It has become obvious to me, however, that obesity and weight issues really are a ‘poor person’s issue’.  Not that rich people can’t be overweight, but if you think about how cheap and easy the non-healthy crap is, and how much more expensive it is to cook right, use fresh veggies, get stuff without preservatives, etc, it is easy to see why the poor have higher rates of obesity than the upper class.

And then, there is the cost of a gym membership.  Good Lord….

Ok, enough of a social tirade for me.  It’s Friday, after all – all is good in the ‘Hood (and by ‘Hood, I mean West Bremerton, where we sell fireworks, people buy crack on the sidewalk and Bremalo’s are celebrated and often adored.

My menu for the day:

Breakfast – Orange Julius Vi Shake
Lunch – Chicken Sandwhcih
1st Snack – Humas with Pita Bread
2nd Snack – Celery
3rd Snack – Organge
Dinner – Mango Banana Vi Icee

Why is lunch right after breakfast today?  Simple – they put me in training at work, and I have to take a MUCH earlier lunch than normal. 

Sunday is another weigh in.  I am very excited to see what the status is. 

Wish me Luck


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