Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 55

That’s right, nearly two thirds of the way into the Challenge, still rocking it strong, with the exception of my BDay weekend the 15th-17th of July. I drank, I didn’t puke (as I expected to) and I put on weight.

I’m ok with it, though.  Wanna know why?

Ok, here is how awesome the Body by Vi challenge is.  I weighed in the Friday before my bday (the 15th).  I weighted in at 322.  That means I had dropped 23 pounds.  I knew I was drinking too much tequila (is there such a thing) during my bday parties, and I knew I was eating late at night because of the fact that if I don’t eat when I drink, I get plowed early.  So, for a weekend, I let myself go.

I weighted on last Monday, the 18th.  And where was I weight wise?  329 pounds.  That’s right, my bday weekend essentially set me back 7 pounds in progress.

So why is Body by Vi so awesome?

I weighed in Sunday morning – I have changed my weigh in to mornings, mainly because it is a much better measure of where I am at – and my weight was back at 322.  That means in a week, I totally compensated for the bad weekend and caught back up to where I was.

It isn’t an excuse to let yourself go every weekend, although it is nice to know that if you allow yourself a lapse, you can get back to where you need to be by sticking with the program.  And back on the program I am, workin’ hard to get down below 300 before the end of my 90 days.

That’s the goal now, btw – and a reachable goal it is.  I need to drop 22 pounds in 5 weeks.  I can do it, I can feel it.

On a side note, the coolest thing about this diet is the comments, where people can see it – sometimes I can see, but I see myself every day so it is harder to gauge progress.  Meanwhile, people say they see it in my face.  It’s very cool to have people notice the progress.

Are you doing the challenge yet?  If you aren’t…and you think you should…then do it.  I wouldn’t blow sunshine up your ass – if it wasn’t working for me, I would just say so.  However, it is working…so, get off your ass and do something if you think you need to.

Happy Monday



Monday, July 11, 2011


Ok, did the weigh in on the show last night.  I dropped, well, .4 pounds.  That’s right, not FOUR pounds, but POINT FOUR pounds.  That’s not even half a pound.

I’m embarrassed.

I knew I would have a week with zero movement, but I just wasn’t expecting it this week.   And, I’m mad.  I want to lose weight, and I want it gone faster.

 It’s embarrassing, you know most of my friends joke about my weight – and I am to blame for that because I do it to myself too – but dammit, I ain’t going down as ‘fat ass’ anymore. 

 Starting Wednesday Morning, I am getting up at 6:45, and walking for 45 minutes to an hour before work.  Period.  And if that doesn’t work, I will keep adding wrinkles to this until it does.  The Body by Vi is working wonders, but I better kick myself in the ass if I want to do this.

 It’s not over…

