Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let's see how far we've come...

I love that song by Matchbox 20, btw…

Two months into the 90-day Body by Vi Challenge, I feel like I have hit a wall.  I’ve dropped 28 pounds, but the pace has slowed down over the last couple weeks.  What does that mean?  Honestly, not a damned thing.  I’m still losing, albeit at a little slower rate, but still progressing nicely.  So, the challenge continues.

While doing my Internet Radio Show on Sunday (you can listen live,, Sundays from 7-11pm – that’s a free plug), one of the listeners made a statement that I really wanted to address.

I had mentioned that I had dropped 28 pounds in the two months or so since this started.  He posted in the show’s chat room that he did that by cutting out Soda and changing his diet. 

I don’t make the assertion that this program is for everyone – some people can change their diet and take out soda and *POOF* pounds roll off.  That’s great if it works.  The problem is, I had already dropped soda about a year ago and it didn’t make much difference.  There isn’t an ‘end all, be all’ for the challenge of losing weight and getting healthier.  Some things work for some, some things work for others.

But I will say this, I have done better on this product than attempting to do it on my own.  And sure, I would love to say ‘holy crap, I dropped 100 pounds in 90 days,’ but that is unrealistic, and probably unhealthy.

And while I find it funny when people are always trying to poke holes in any theory that works, do you guys really think I am trying to ‘sell’ you anything?  I don’t make anything if you sign up.  I don’t get any benefit.  I am just following through on what I committed on my show when I started this: If it worked, I would let you know.  If it didn’t work, I would let you know that too.

My hope (goal) is to get down 20 more pounds before Sept 4 when Michelle comes back on the show.  Do you know the last time I was down below 300 lbs?  I can’t remember, but It has been a long damn time.

There is one downside to this:  My pants are already too big for me.  Imagine what it will do to my wardrobe if I drop another 20 pounds…

Oh, what a great issue to have…

Rockin’ the challenge, continues…



Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 55

That’s right, nearly two thirds of the way into the Challenge, still rocking it strong, with the exception of my BDay weekend the 15th-17th of July. I drank, I didn’t puke (as I expected to) and I put on weight.

I’m ok with it, though.  Wanna know why?

Ok, here is how awesome the Body by Vi challenge is.  I weighed in the Friday before my bday (the 15th).  I weighted in at 322.  That means I had dropped 23 pounds.  I knew I was drinking too much tequila (is there such a thing) during my bday parties, and I knew I was eating late at night because of the fact that if I don’t eat when I drink, I get plowed early.  So, for a weekend, I let myself go.

I weighted on last Monday, the 18th.  And where was I weight wise?  329 pounds.  That’s right, my bday weekend essentially set me back 7 pounds in progress.

So why is Body by Vi so awesome?

I weighed in Sunday morning – I have changed my weigh in to mornings, mainly because it is a much better measure of where I am at – and my weight was back at 322.  That means in a week, I totally compensated for the bad weekend and caught back up to where I was.

It isn’t an excuse to let yourself go every weekend, although it is nice to know that if you allow yourself a lapse, you can get back to where you need to be by sticking with the program.  And back on the program I am, workin’ hard to get down below 300 before the end of my 90 days.

That’s the goal now, btw – and a reachable goal it is.  I need to drop 22 pounds in 5 weeks.  I can do it, I can feel it.

On a side note, the coolest thing about this diet is the comments, where people can see it – sometimes I can see, but I see myself every day so it is harder to gauge progress.  Meanwhile, people say they see it in my face.  It’s very cool to have people notice the progress.

Are you doing the challenge yet?  If you aren’t…and you think you should…then do it.  I wouldn’t blow sunshine up your ass – if it wasn’t working for me, I would just say so.  However, it is working…so, get off your ass and do something if you think you need to.

Happy Monday



Monday, July 11, 2011


Ok, did the weigh in on the show last night.  I dropped, well, .4 pounds.  That’s right, not FOUR pounds, but POINT FOUR pounds.  That’s not even half a pound.

I’m embarrassed.

I knew I would have a week with zero movement, but I just wasn’t expecting it this week.   And, I’m mad.  I want to lose weight, and I want it gone faster.

 It’s embarrassing, you know most of my friends joke about my weight – and I am to blame for that because I do it to myself too – but dammit, I ain’t going down as ‘fat ass’ anymore. 

 Starting Wednesday Morning, I am getting up at 6:45, and walking for 45 minutes to an hour before work.  Period.  And if that doesn’t work, I will keep adding wrinkles to this until it does.  The Body by Vi is working wonders, but I better kick myself in the ass if I want to do this.

 It’s not over…



Thursday, June 30, 2011

One Month down...

It’s been an exciting month in the Challenge, as of last Sunday (June 26th), I was down 15 pounds.  Now, it’s true – I would love to be down more than that – but more important than that, it’s progress.  At this rate, I could be down more than 40 pounds in 3 months – maybe even close to 50.  Can you imagine that?

Personally, my life the last two weeks has been…well, craptastic to say the least, aided by the drama that only family members can cause.  It’s made it hard to stick with the plan.  I will even admit I caved one night (Monday) and had some chips.  Not a lot, just some.  And while some slight bending is allowed, looking back, I am still a bit disappointed that I cracked.

That’s been the low point.  The high point, however, is the fact that I have done a really good job omitting all sugar from my daily intake, minus whatever is naturally in fruit and a little in the chocolate I put in my Chocolate Banana smoothies.  I think in this Challenge, Sugar is the enemy.  Screw off, Sugar…although, there are times I crave a Twix…

(On a side note, if anyone wanted to get rich, why wouldn’t they just do all these freakin’ candy bars as totally sugar free?)

Michelle asks me consistently how I feel about this – Physially, I am exhausted, More so because of the fireworks stand, the drama and the fact that I am (still) sleeping on a plywood floor in a fireworks stand.  It has definitely affected my sleep, which I know is going to be a hindrance to my progress.  The good news in that is that after Monday night, I should be done camping out until next year.

I feel optimistic for the progress I have made at the one month mark.  I am eager to weigh in this Sunday, although I am honestly a little afraid what those chips last Monday did to me…lol.

No matter what, though, we will keep motoring along.  I feel like some measureable progress has been made.  One third of the way there…more weight left to lose…



Monday, June 20, 2011

13 Gone...

I will be honest and say I was a little worried after last week’s weigh in.  After all, my first week, I had dropped 6 pounds.  Then last Sunday, the 12th, I weighed in with a 2 pound loss from the previous week.  I was more than a little disappointed, and I honestly don’t know what I was more disappointed in – the Vi Shakes I have been taking, or myself for either A – messing this up, or B – Believing in something that could end up making me look like an idiot.

I have learned that of all of the issues I have, patience (or the lack thereof) is a big one.  I have always been pretty short-sighted on things requiring long term commitment.  It is one of the reasons why this challenge has been so very important to me – for reasons more than just my weight.  I can’t remember the last time I found something that was important to me that I actually followed through on, and allowed it to happen.  Normally I cut it off, sabotage it. 

So, I honestly expected another 2 pound loss – or less – when I weighed in last night.  I think I have come to the start of the third week, and I needed a little kick in the ass, something to instill some faith and positive thoughts in the process. 

And, faith and positive thoughts were delivered.

5 more gone.

That means 13 pounds gone in 19 days.

I wasn’t sure if I had already hit a plateau or if I had already leveled out, but I was afraid this wasn’t going to be the result.  I think it is amazing that when we need the right kick in the pants, sometimes, God just does it.  And I needed this kick in the pants.  It proved the 6 pounds wasn’t a fluke.  And, in the future when I only lose  a pound or two, it will be easier for me to remember what can happen the next week.

More importantly, though – bigger than this Body By Vi Challenge – it instills upon me the importance of the process, trusting in something that I don’t fully understand, walking with blind faith and opening myself up to the option of looking like an idiot.  Nothing great has ever been gained by someone who was too afraid to take a chance.

So, as I ride the ferry this morning, with my Mango/Strawberry/Banana smoothie by my side, I have a little bigger fire lit under me, a little more determination.  And I know at this rate, I could drop 50, 60…maybe even 70 pounds in my 90 days.  Can you imagine?

For the first time, I think I can really imagine something dramatic happening.  I think I figured I would see a result, but it would be minimal, something small, something un-miraculous. 

And this morning, I suddenly feel like there could be a miracle coming on.

Happy Monday



Friday, June 17, 2011


17 days down, 73 to go.

Let me start out by saying that I hate ‘HATE’ potluck days at work.  Do you realize how hard it is to eat a reasonably healthy meal when no one brings anything health to eat (besides me, I brought a fruit plate.  Yes, I have become ‘that guy’). 

It has become obvious to me, however, that obesity and weight issues really are a ‘poor person’s issue’.  Not that rich people can’t be overweight, but if you think about how cheap and easy the non-healthy crap is, and how much more expensive it is to cook right, use fresh veggies, get stuff without preservatives, etc, it is easy to see why the poor have higher rates of obesity than the upper class.

And then, there is the cost of a gym membership.  Good Lord….

Ok, enough of a social tirade for me.  It’s Friday, after all – all is good in the ‘Hood (and by ‘Hood, I mean West Bremerton, where we sell fireworks, people buy crack on the sidewalk and Bremalo’s are celebrated and often adored.

My menu for the day:

Breakfast – Orange Julius Vi Shake
Lunch – Chicken Sandwhcih
1st Snack – Humas with Pita Bread
2nd Snack – Celery
3rd Snack – Organge
Dinner – Mango Banana Vi Icee

Why is lunch right after breakfast today?  Simple – they put me in training at work, and I have to take a MUCH earlier lunch than normal. 

Sunday is another weigh in.  I am very excited to see what the status is. 

Wish me Luck


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Creature of Habit....

So, I ran out of orange juice for yesterday’s Body by Vi shake, and made strawberry banana.  It was really good, mind you – but it wasn’t my Orange Julius.

I am a creature of habit, really – which I am finding out in more ways than one.  It is the hardest part of this challenge, breaking old eating habits and replacing them with new ones.  A counselor once told me that food is an extension of how you feel about things and about life (Thanks, Dr. Steve!).  Essentially, what you choose to eat says a lot about your mental and emotional status at the time.  Some foods hold emotional ‘comfort food’ status, and your body wants to resort back to those when your ego is low, stress hits, whatever…

So for me, it has always been uber-salty foods.  I blame my Mom for my love salt, btw…and she will admit to this day she has the same addiction.  Chips, dips, sauces – whatever. 

And therein lies the biggest challenge to this. I have never lived the most healthy of lifestyles (hence my fat ass), and part of that is because when things get rough, Kev hits the chips.  So it has been a struggle sometimes at night, after I have closed up the stand, when I sit in the fireworks stand and play video games alone that I think ‘damn, fritos sure do sound good right now.’  I am proud of the fact that I haven’t given in and gone and bought some.  I am also helped along by the fact that I am in a fireworks stand and can not leave it to go buy any.  It helps keep me accountable, helps me make it easier to not break.

The fireworks stand – although not the easiest way to do this challenge – actually helps in this respect.  By the time the stand is closed, I will be about 8 weeks into the challenge, so hopefully the worst part of this adjustment will be behind me.

And, I had orange juice this morning for my Orange Julius Body by Vi shake.  Life is good, and developing new habits – while never easy – is going well, at least for this morning.

And another day of Rockin’ the challenge is underway…


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Getting ready for another weigh in…

So, it’s 12 days into the process, and I continue to ‘Rock The Challenge’.  That’s my motto, btw….Rockin’ The Challenge.  Why? Because I am stupid and want to motivate myself with catchy little slogans.  I’m a simple man.  Get over it.

 I will be honest and admit that I worry that I am going to go in the show tonight, weigh in, and…nothing.  It isn’t feasible, really, but I do have this insecurity that I will fail even by doing what I should do.

 That being said, I have done a great job this week.  I am rather proud of myself for sticking to the shakes, and the snacks and all that.  I am really proud of myself for getting past the sugar in my diet.  I haven’t had a soda – or, sadly, a slurpee – since this started.  No candy.  My snack are always at least minimally healthy – like humus – going to extremely healthy, like fresh fruit or veggies.

 I am hopeful I will go into the weigh in tonight on the show and drop another 5 or so pounds.  That would make me happy.  I haven’t looked at this ‘Body by Vi’ challenge as a saving grace – there are still decisions to be made every day that are important to the process, such as what I choose for snacks, staying away from crap foods, etc – but I do see it as a good start, kicking me me in the right direction with some extra help.

 Any of you doing the challenge?  I would love to hear some stories on how you feel it is working for you, what your challenges are.  I am always looking to find other keys to success, maybe you have some advice that could help me?

 If you want to hear the weigh in, tune in to my radio show, the Outlaw Radio Network, Sunday nights from 7-11pm.  I will do the weigh in about 9pm or so.  You can hear it live at



Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy Thursday

Sitting on the ferry, heading to work, enjoying my Vi Orange Cream Shake. 

 I haven’t decided if I it is because of the Shakes (Michelle may know, however, I don’t) but I am a pretty darned good moods the last few days.  A little tired, but that’s from sleeping on the floor I a fireworks stand every night, but otherwise I feel good. 

 I haven’t shared my eating plan for the day on here much lately, moreso because of my weird schedule, but let’s get back to it:

 Breakfast – Orange Cream Vi Shake

First Snack – Orange

Lunch – Taco Salad (YUMMY!)

Second Snack – Celery Sticks

Dinner – Strawberry Kiwi Vi Shake

 Sounds like a good day!

 In related thoughts, someone very special to me wrote me today and said they were reading the blog and considering taking up the challenge with me.  I hope you do, it would be something that we could support each other on and help each other out with.  If you need my help, all you have to do is ask.

To anyone else considering the Challenge, or wanting more info, you can get more information on my page:

Ok, we are about to dock.  Hope you have a great day, and will write more later.


 (PS – Michelle – you were totally right about Scotty McCreery.  I think this kid is gonna have a very long and successful career…)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's been One Week...

No, that is not a reference to the stupid 'Barenaked Ladies' song...

So, today marks the official start of the second week of my ’90-Day Body by Vi Challenge.  Some thoughts, summing up the first week:

1 – My life is SO not conducive to dieting.  Serious, between the commute to Seattle, sleeping in a Fireworks stand for 6 weeks, to working the ballgames for the Kitsap BlueJackets, I have no time to eat healthy, make a healthy snack, blah blah.  It just doesn’t work.  It is, honestly, the key thing I like about this challenge – I don’t have to do anything besides make a shake and take it out the door with me, regardless of where I am going.  It’s a whole lot better than grabbing a soda, and tastes a hell of a lot better than a bottle of water. 

2 – I am anxious to weigh myself in again.  I mean, I know it isn’t going to be 6 pounds every week, but…well, whenever I can weigh myself in, it will give me enough motivation to do this for another week.  I am really taking this a week at a time – 90 days seems like such a long time – but week to week, this is much easier to motivate myself for.

3 – Most importantly, I haven’t messed up yet.  Not at all.  Two shakes a day, two snacks, and one meal.  I have made a slight change, though – instead of doing my meal for dinner, I am doing it for lunch instead.  But other than that, no change, no missed deadlines, no missed shakes.

So, that is where we stand.  I am increasingly amazed how simple this has been – so far – and while I know that it is bound to get more challenging, right now, it’s been a pretty nice walk in the park, and I don’t hate it…lol

There is, as always, the option for any of you who read this to do it with me.  If you want more info, you can message me or email – and you can even get the product for free. I wouldn’t mind the support, and wouldn’t mind giving it.

Oh yeah – tried a new shake today:  Half a lemon, some fresh strawberries, the Vi powder and some water and ice.  Yummy, but next time, I will only use a quarter of a lemon.  I got pucker face…lol



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First Weigh In....

I haven’t had time to write in the blog much the last few days.  Truth be told, I am also working the Kitsap BlueJackets, and the first week or two in June is always a pain in the backend, because in addition to the daily job, plus sleeping in a big wood shed (the fireworks stand) I am also fighting desperately to get all the PA stuff done for opening night, which – by the way – is tonight.

It doesn’t mean, however, that I have been off the Challenge.  We did our weekly weigh in on Sunday.  Now, when I started this challenge – on June 1st – I weighed in at 348 lbs.  (yes, call me Fatty McFatterson…shaddup).  So, on Sunday, just 5 days into the challenge, we did my first weigh in, live on my radio show, The Outlaw Radio Network.  And we used the same scale as the first weigh in.

How much did I weigh?

342 pounds.

That’s right, just 5 days into the challenge, I have already dropped 6 pounds.  No exercise changes, no activity changes.  Just following the plan, day to day.

So, while it is early in the process – still 83 days to go as of today – I am optimistic that I can drop a good chunk of weight in 90 days.  I am sure I won’t continue to lose at this same rate, but…seriously…if I can maintain any continuous weight loss, it’s a plus.  And with this Body By Vi, I feel like I am doing just that.

Will write more tomorrow, opening night at the Ballpark tonight.  Gonna have to fight the urge to have a late night bratworst…taking my shake to the ballark instead…



Friday, June 3, 2011

Got Humus?

Day three nearly in the books…here is what I learned:
Humus is my friend.
Ever had humus? I haven’t really eaten it except over the last year or so. I try not to think about the fact that I am having mashed up beans and garlic – just doesn’t sound good to me – but throw that on some pita bread…well, it’s darn good.
This ‘challenge’ isn’t going too badly. I don’t get hungry during the day (I thought I would from missing lunch, but it’s been fine) and sometimes, I crave food, but I think that it is more out of boredom or repetition than anything. I know, it’s only 3 days into this, but so far…so good.
My daily menu:
Breakfast – Orange Cream Vi Smoothie (Standard breakfast)
Morning Snack – Humus with Pita Bread
Lunch Smoothie – Pineapple/Peach/Mango (This was really good – I even got a banana and put it in it, let it sit all day…good stuff)
Afternoon Snack – Apples
Dinner – Chicken of some kind, not sure how it’s going to be cooked, but I don’t think I will be frying it…
Tomorrow, I kick off the start of a 5 day weekend. I am hopeful I can continue this so easily when I am off and at home, around all the food…

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Body by Vi….this sh*t is BANANAS!!! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

See that? Gwen Staffini reference in my blog. I’ve been blogging for 10 years, and that is a first.

You’ll get the Banana reference in a minute…

So Day 2 of the Challenge rolls along, and I am noticing something really interesting about this plan:

I’m not missing eating that much.

Ok, let me clarify. I eat – for example, when you check my daily menu, you will see I have added a third snack every day – but as for eating some ton of crap for lunch that is full of preservatives, additives and fat, I don’t miss it. Not today, maybe tomorrow. I spend my lunch breaks in the break room at work, sipping my shake, watching CNN (oh, what idiot candidate is announcing his run for the presidency this week?), and that’s it.

Plus, it makes me appreciate dinner that much more. Seriously.

Ok, here is the daily menu:

Breakfast Shake – Orange CreamSickle – Get used to this, this will be a staple of my daily plan.

Morning Snack – Raw Veggies with a little ranch (Really, I didn’t use much of it, but broccoli without is just…well, like eating grass.)

Lunch Shake – Chocolate Banana (See? Banana reference. And for the record, this was AMAZINGLY good. I wish I had seconds)

Lunch Snack – Orange (loves me some fruit…shaddup!)

Pre-Dinner Snack – Apple

Dinner –

So, you may ask why I added another snack? Simple – I am thinking I need to eat every 2 hours to keep the body metabolism on track. Which works – I eat my first shake at 830, first snack at 1230, lunch shake at 230, second snack at 430, but then I don’t eat dinner til about 830 because of ferry schedule. So, I added another snack in there. It will always be healthy…just helping the body move along it’s way.

Looking forward to the first weigh in on Sunday. I know it isn’t even a week into this, but if I can go into getting weighed on Sunday and I have dropped a pound or two, I will see this as a major success story to begin with. Wish me luck.

Better yet, take the challenge with me. This is actually pretty fun…

Tune into this week’s Outlaw Radio Network to hear more, and to get the latest on the weigh in. Michelle Attencio-McCoy/McCoy-Attencio (lol) will be in studio for the weight in and kick off of the challenge for me. Call the show, we can answer your questions, or share your success stories. I need all the inspiration I can get!

Be Well!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day one of the 90 day Challenge is in full effect!

So, I plan to update this blog Daily (I Hope) with what I had to eat, snacks and my weekly weigh in updates.
I actually did the weigh in on Sunday night on my online radio show, The Outlaw Radio Network, which you can find on our website,, every Sunday night from 7-11pm (free plug). I am honestly embarrassed to admit this in public, but…well, who cares, we are all amongst friends, and it will make the story better when all is said and done and we can all talk about how far this challenge led me.
I weigh (drum roll please….) 345 lbs.
I know what you are thinking…”damn, this guy is fat!” Yes, I am. Shut up. Lol
My menu for today has pretty much followed how I think most of these days will go during the challenge, although I think the types of shakes I have daily will change often. I know that for me, I have to get creative to stay motivated. It was fun making the shakes this morning – my Daughter helped me before school – so at least that will add some fun into the process.
My Menu for today?
Breakfast Shake – I essentially came up with an Orange Creamsicle with Strawberry smoothie. Some Orange Juice, a little milk, frozen strawberries and some Vi Shake Mix. Good stuff. I took it on the ferry with me drank it as I checked my email. I can make that a regular morning favorite!

Snack #1 – An orange. I love Oranges. So far, this is easy.

Lunch Shake – I got creative, so I made me a Watermelon/Orange shake. Some OJ, some blended up fresh watermelon, some Vi Shake Mix and some ice – shake it up, good to go. I know, it sounds gross but it was really good, especially since I made it this morning at home, and it sat in the fridge all day getting cold before I added the ice in it. Good plan…too bad I am out of watermelon…lol

Snack #2 – An Apple. Again, I love apples. Still, too easy.

Dinner – Breakfast for dinner...Michelle Said 'reasonable', I think sausage, eggs and a pancake are reasonable...aren't they?
I am going to do my measurements tonight after work – my tummy, chest and hips, I think. I want to see what happens, what goes off and what doesn’t.
If anyone has any input, would love to hear it. If you guys think I am doing something wrong, post it here and let me know.
And thanks for caring how my challenge goes. It’s nice to have the support.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tomorrow, we commence...

That's right guys, I am starting the big '90 Day Body by Vi Challenge' as I start my journey to losing some weight.  I am actually really stoked to do this - it's going to be fun, I know that several other people I know (Paul, Harmony, Mindy, Josh) have all committed to do it with me, so it is good that we all have each other's backs. 

My plan is every day to share what I do with the shakes, how creative I get, what I do for snacks and dinner. This will be a virtual roadmap to the journey - if it works, you can copy it.  If it doesn't, well...let's stay positive and assume it will work.

I am going to try new recipies often, and will let you know what I have and if they work.  For example, tomorrow, I am going to try with some fresh watermelon and see how it goes.  Sure, I am going to have to choke down some creations that don't work out as planned...but, I sense it will be more pleasant suprises than negative.

To bed for me, tomorrow....the journey begins...


Monday, May 23, 2011

Is it June 1st yet?

Had a big challenge party during the Outlaw Radio Network broadcast last night, and Michelle came out to share samples of the Body by Vi product.  Some initial thoughts -

First, we had the the mix with nothing in it - kinda tastes like cake mix.  It isn't bad, but not my forte.  Honestly, at this point, I wasn't sure I could commit to it for 90 days...

Michelle then mixed some up with Orange Juice.  Holy crap, now this is something I can do every day for breakfast. Seriously, it was almost like an Orange Julius, really carried the taste well.  This immediately rested my earlier thoughts about doing this for 90 days...

Michelle then mixed up some Chocolate/Peanut Butter Cup. Tasted just like it.  Not bad at all, although I wouldn't have this too often as it was very sweet and yummy, but I don't think it will be a regular for me - although the occasional treat will work nicely.

Lastly, Michelle made up some raspberry lemonade.  Ok, this is a close second to the Orange.  I think I have my two staples for the diet. Plus, there are tons of other recipes online, so I can experiment when I need to mix it up a little bit.

My thoughts about whether or not this was a good idea or not is out the window - the 90 day challenge is going to be good for me, and I am going to make it some good fun.

It's not too late for my friends to do it with me. I think a few have already committed, but the more the merrier.  If you read this and want to do it, let me know...

Happy Monday!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18th...

Happy Mount Saint Helan's Day!

About 12 days from the start of the 90 Day Body by Vi Challenge, I think I am getting anxious to start.  We are planning a shaking tasting party during the radio show this week, 9pm at the studio (anyone else wanna come sample, let me know).  Michelle is bringing, among others, their Orange Julius shake, which I can not wait to try (I am a sucker for anything that taste like orange cream).  I am still looking for people to do this with me, I think I have a better chance for success if I have a good support system of other people doing the same thing.  You know, when the urge comes to say 'Oh, I can take a day off, who cares?" we can lean on each other to keep each other motivated.

This isn't, of course, the only thing I am doing.  I joined a hiking group from my mom's church, they go out once a month on random (butt-kicking) hikes around the sound.  I'm talking like 11, 12 mile hikes.  Holy crap...

Anything worth doing, though, is worth doing right. 



Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pre-Diet, Day 2

Ok, back to blogging the menu for the day.

Today is going to be a different day, because I am donating blood and getting off work early to do so (Thank you, federal job).  So, for breakfast, it's more granola (love this stuff), and my first snack will be an orange.  My lunch will consist of a Cup-O-Soup (I know, tremendously unhealthy, salty, full of preservatives, and yet...still really yummy and only 330 calories.  I won't have my next snack until I get home, so I have no idea what I am having, nor do I know what I am doing for dinner.

I was thinking, though...let's say the average weight loss once I start this program is 5 lbs a week.  Let's go best case scenario for a minute - if I did that, and maintained that rate for the whole 90 days, that would be 60 pounds lost.  Can you imagine me 60 pounds lighter?  Now...that is motivation.

Still looking for peeps to do the challenge with me.  The whole 'peer support' thing could be really helpful, both for me and whoever else does it with me.  Any takers?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Damn you, Pringles

I have a can of Cheddar Cheese Pringles at my desk.  I almost ate them today.  But I didn't.  Now, I just have to convince myself to throw them away before I do eat

Pre-Diet, Day 1

So, the first thing I am doing before I start this 90 day challenge on June 1 is posting what I eat, so I can establish a norm.  This will be as much for Michelle, my sponsor on this challenge, as for me.  After all, I already know what I

So breakfast today consisted of a bowl of granola cereal (that will be hard to give up for 90 days, it was tasty), and an italian soda drink (Soda water, shot of espresso flavoring and some half & half).  Lunch today will be a Chicken Sausage Sandwhich.  Snacks (since I am eating every three hours) is going to be an orange (early snack) and some Carrots and Celery (Late snack).  Dinner, I think, is going to BLT's.  And nothing to eat after that.

I will repost this daily until June 1 when I start the challenge.   Wish me luck...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Initial Post...why am I here?

With some help from my good friend Michelle, I am going to be starting out on a 90 day weight loss challenge called the 'Body By Vi 90-Day Challenge.'  Here is how it works.

Every day, I will have a shake for breakfast, a healthy snack, a shake for lunch, a health snack, and a normal dinner.  The plan is to see how much weight I can drop in the 90 days of the challenge.  I am not going to start until June 1, so I can start at the beginngin of a month.  That also means I have time to let some of my friends get on board too and do the challenge with me.  We can support each other - and God knows I can use all the help I can get on this journey...

So, who is in it with me?